The Backyard is Done Too... Mostly.

Not to be left out, the backyard is in the final stretches as well. Faith went out yesterday and bought the remainder of the plants for the retaining wall planter, and those went in the ground this morning. Ken had his guys do some cleanup and even scrubbed down the blocks of the wall. Only thing left for him to do is connect the one sprinkler valve to the timer in the garage. But I think that's easier said than done. While the other valves out front already had wiring, this new one in the back doesn't, so we've got to run it either under the house, or through the attic to reach the garage.
Those of you who know me, know I'm not a little guy, and while I don't suffer from claustrophobia, there's no way on earth I'm going under our house, and I feel bad for anyone that does. I'll leave that up to our contractor Ken, or whoever he can talk into doing it. My job on the other hand is to finish up the restoration of the spa. I got the new filter in the mail the other day, so I'm got no more excuses. Hopefully I'll have that done in a week or two, so we can at least use it to cool down in our wonderful 100 degree heat!

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