Back to School Time Again

Iain made the move to 2nd grade this year and was very happy with his class since most of his good friends are there. We liked both of the 2nd grade teachers a lot, so there were no worries there. Iain has Mrs. Barnes for his teacher, but he's hoping to get in a reading group with the other teacher, Mrs. Carmichael. I think he has a career in politics in the works, because he's always networking and looking to keep everyone happy.
Allison is starting out in Ms. Britton's class, and is doing exceedingly well. While she hasn't been a big talker to this point, she's now become quite the chatterbox about school. She comes home to tell us about all the friends she's made (even if she can't keep their names straight), and all the fun things they're doing in class. I found it quite funny that she got upset over the fact that she couldn't go to school on Saturday, and has to wait until Mondays to go back. Worse yet, this week is extra tortuous because the holiday means she doesn't go back until Tuesday. Oh the humanity of it all! I think she'll suffer through the weekend though.
How cute are these two?? Just a Grandma's viewpoint.
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